In Before You Forget - The Wisdom of Writing Diaries for Your Children, I wrote a chapter on Milistones, Achievements and Rites of Passage, about the value of saving Initiation Stories in your child's diary.
I've saved a lot of Initation Stories for my son in twenty years of writing to him -
first time he saw the moon
first lost tooth
first day of school
first love
getting his license
graduating from high school
Yesterday, he left home in the afternoon in search of a girl. He drove to Nashua, NH, met her for the first time, fell in love, and brought her home to live with us. Her name is Judy Blue, and she's a purebred Siberian Huskey, named after one of his favorite CSN songs, Suite: Judy Blue Eyes. She has one brown eye and one blue eye! And I saved it in his diary, the story of how he became a father of sorts, for the first time.