Sometimes diary entries capture images and symbols that cry out for deeper exploration. Bloom, my short play inspired by a diary entry to my son, was written years later than the original diary entry. I was re-reading the entry while preparing for a workshop on diary writing, and I was moved to tears. In the next few days I spontaneously began writing the play, copying out the dialogue sparked by this imaginative mother and son.
Everything in the play is fiction but the powerful dream symbol of my garden flowers blooming in winter. Here's the dream transformed into this fictional mother/son encounter, as JOSH gets ready for his prom:
(JOSH is dressing in front of mirror [audience], dancing uninhibitedly to the music plays on his boom box. A knock.)
Enter at your own risk!
(Entering with a vase of fresh flowers. Sets it down. A beat. Turns off music)
You’re getting ready?
Gettin’ there.
(Turning music off)
Why didn’t you wake me?
What for?
I was going to pick up your tux.
Dad got it.
Wow! Pretty sharp, for a rental.
He splurged.
Want me to press the jacket?
Doesn’t need it.
Are you hungry?
Nope. What’s up with you? You look sick.
No, just waking up. I was outside all day, mulching my beds -- that sun’s scorching my perennials! I came in for lunch and fell asleep on the couch. . . I was dreaming. . .
. . . that it was winter – why’s it so cold in here?
I turned up the air.
The wind was blowing, bitter cold, and there was snow on the ground. . . but when I went into the back yard I saw that all my flowers – you know, where the lilac bush is? – were in bloom! All these stems of. . . white peonies bursting wide open. . . huge, radiant, blossoms. . . I pressed my face into one. . . I can still smell it. . . They were blooming through the gate, and all along the path, and I was showing them to. . . to your father. . . and worrying. . . They’re blooming too early, I said -- or is it late?. . . And, you know what he said?
No, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.
He said, what does it matter? They're blooming now. . .
Excerpt from Bloom, Copyright by Kelly DuMar, published by Heuer Publishing.
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